El Chapo Escapes From Prison Again

Mexican cartel leader Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, near famously known equally El Chapo, has successfully escaped prison not once but twice. In 2019, El Chapo was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes, including money laundering, murder, and drug distribution. To ensure that the notorious criminal won't escape prison again, El Chapo was sent to ADX-Florence, a supermax prison located in Florence, Colorado.

A supermax prison house has the highest level of security in the arrangement and holds the most dangerous criminals, much like Alcatraz. In fact, ADX is also called the Alcatraz of the Rockies, and information technology is located in the desert near ii hours from Denver. No prisoner has ever escaped the facility since its establishment in 1994, per Corrections 1. Many have described the situation in ADX every bit torture, and a former warden at that place, Robert Hood, said that the facility was "not built for humanity," per The Denver Postal service. "I call back that existence there, 24-hour interval past solar day, it'due south worse than death," he said. Other notorious criminals imprisoned at ADX include Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, former FBI agent-turned-Soviet spy Robert Hanssen, Philadelphia mafia boss Nicodemo Scarfo, and September 11 set on conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui.

El Chapo'due south life at ADX

El Chapo has a life sentence plus thirty years at ADX-Florence. There, he spends 23 hours a mean solar day locked up in his 7x12-foot physical jail cell that is soundproof to avoid inmates from communicating with each other. The cell is equipped with basic necessities such as a bed, desk, and chair, which are made of concrete and fastened to the walls, preventing prisoners from moving them. According to the Daily Tape, El Chapo'south cell is besides equipped with a toilet and shower area, just water is fourth dimension-controlled to avoid flooding. Furthermore, electricity in the cells is controlled by guards, and so by a certain time, inmates no longer take admission to low-cal.

To add to his isolation, El Chapo's prison jail cell has ii doors — one solid outer door and an interior jail door. Although the cell has a tiny window measuring 42 inches tall and 4 inches wide, there is no view of the surrounding Rocky Mountains. This restricted visibility prevents inmates from knowing their exact location within ADX, as reported by The Denver Postal service. El Chapo is allowed one hour of recreation time in a concrete pit that looks merely like an empty pool. The notorious drug lord is escorted there by 3 guards, where he is immune to walk around the pit to exercise. However, it just allows for 10 steps in a directly line or 31 in a circle. Again, the pit is designed so that inmates don't have a view of their whereabouts in the prison.

El Chapo wants to entreatment his case

Just one yr after spending time at ADX-Florence, El Chapo is hopeful that an entreatment is his ticket out of the supermax prison. In 2020, his attorneys began working to take his conviction overturned. Per Anadolu Agency, the adjacent step for El Chapo's team is to entreatment to Mexican regime to aid ensure his render to Mexico, where he tin can be tried in his homeland. Per his lawyers, his extradition to the United States following his near recent capture was unlawful. "We went for legal requests to protect Joaquín Guzman and all legal procedures were denied," said Jose Refugio, one of his lawyers.

While his lawyers are working on his entreatment, El Chapo allegedly remains optimistic of his chances. "My personal impression is that everyone that is facing a life sentence like that is going to concord on to every piece of hope," said attorney Mariel Colon, per CBS Denver.


Source: https://www.grunge.com/476511/heres-whats-inside-el-chapos-prison-cell/

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