What Is the Definition of Analogues Colors in Art

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Art. any one of a grouping of related colors that are most each other on the colour bicycle, a circular chart that shows gradations of color: Red, orangish, and xanthous are analogous colors. Compare complementary color (def. 1a).



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On the farm, the feed for chicks is significantly different from the roosters'; ______ not even comparable.

Also called analogous hue .

Words nearby analogous colour

analogion, analogism, analogist, analogize, analogous, analogous color, analog recording, analog signal, analogue, analogue clock, counterpart-digital converter

Lexicon.com Entire Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random Business firm, Inc. 2022

More than ABOUT Analogous COLOR

What doesanalogous color mean?

Colors are called analogous colors when they are very like to each other, specially when they are next to each other on a color wheel. For example, cerise, red-orange, and orangish are analogous colors.

Analogous colors are typically discussed in terms of their human relationship and closeness to each other on a color wheel, which is a circular nautical chart that shows shades of color that gradually alloy into one some other (much like how they practise in a rainbow). An analogous color is too chosen an analogous hue.

The term analogous color is used in art when discussing the relationships of colors, especially in contrast to complementary colors, which are located in opposite positions on a colour cycle.

Color bike: Getty

Where does analogous colorcome from?

Analogous comes from the Greek word análogos, meaning "proportionate" or "equivalent." This root is related to the ones in words like illustration and analogue. If two things are described as analogous, it means they represent to each other or are similar in some way.

When learning how to mix colors and how colors will wait when used together, artists oftentimes learn most color theory, which deals with the colour cycle and the harmony and dissimilarity of unlike colors. In addition to showing what colors are similar (analogous colors), the colour bicycle likewise shows which colors are most different (complementary colors). When mixed together, two complementary colors create a muted, muddled color (like what you'd get by mixing red and green). But because analogous colors are similar, mixing them will event in a similar color that keeps its hue (its specific tint or diverseness of color).

Did you know ... ?

How is analogous color used in existent life?

Analogous colors are usually discussed in the context of art and blueprint.

Try using coordinating color!

Fill in the blank:

Analogous colors are colors that are found next to each other on the ______.

How to use analogous color in a sentence


Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/analogous-color

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