How Much Does It Cost to Have Tresa Caputo Do a Reading

how to get a reading with long island medium theresa caputo

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Theresa Caputo is one of the country'south most famous psychic mediums, offer private readings and speaking to large groups, but the Long Island Medium star initially struggled to come to terms with her ability. On her website, Caputo revealed that she had been sensing "Spirit" since childhood, simply didn't kickoff to take her gift until she was in her 20s, following a battle with debilitating anxiety. Now, she'south turned that otherworldly connection into a lucrative career.

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When she was in her 20s, she met spiritual healer and teacher Pat Longo, who helped Caputo "learn to channel Spirit through my chakras and release information technology with my words," according to her website. Caputo then began doing readings for others, and televising them on her TLC evidence.

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Caputo has had to shut downwards rumors about her readings being fake, but the TV star isn't letting that, or her separation from her husband, Larry, slow her downwardly. She performs multiple readings on each episode of her show, and travels across the country giving presentations and readings to lucky fans. These days, it'south tough to get a booking with Caputo, but in that location are a few ways you tin can try your luck.

Private Readings

Y'all'll need to sign up for the waiting list on her website, but exist forewarned: Caputo manifestly had a two-year waiting list even before her show premiered, so you may have to wait a while.

If you practice become a reading, it'll be pretty similar to the testify: She starts past relaying who she'due south seeing (a mother figure, a child), and then volition confirm the mode of death. She'll and then become from there, delivering healing messages from the loved one to the person or family unit.

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As for pricing, Caputo revealed in 2014 that readings range from $50-$175 each. One hundred percent of the money is donated to charities like The Stonybrook Foundation and Meals on Wheels, although it'southward unclear if her rates have increased since and so.

Readings on Television set

If you want to go on the show, you'll exist picked from the waiting list, based on "location, availability, and who feels comfortable being on television receiver." Agreeing to be on the show may also work in your favor, equally people who consent to filming often get to come across Caputo earlier those who want a more than private setting.

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Grouping Readings

If you don't feel like waiting, a group event may be more than your speed. Caputo'due south tour, Theresa Caputo Alive! The Feel, regularly hits cities around the country. Different cities have dissimilar ticket prices, just some cities offer tickets every bit low every bit $twoscore, with the higher-end tickets topping out at nearly $120.

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On these tour dates, Caputo shares personal stories from her life, like how she balances being a mother and famous medium, and how exactly her souvenir works. Caputo then gives live readings to random audition members throughout the show, walking around the audience to where the Spirit leads her, and reading people once she gets a connection. Granted, sitting in a large group and hoping that Caputo volition connect with you isn't as exciting or personal as getting a individual reading, but seeing her gift in action is sure to be a one-of-a-kind feel.

If all else fails, you tin head to Caputo'southward hometown of Hicksville, New York and meet if she'll give you a reading in the grocery store. She's been known to do that on several occasions.

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